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6. 12. 2012


Přiřaďte definice k výrazům:

1.       Recycle
2.       Global warming
3.       Ozon layer
4.       Pollution
5.       Protect
6.       Environment
7.       Greenhouse effect
8.       Public transport
9.       Waste energy
10.    separate
a)       put the waste into different container
b)       bus, train, etc.
c)       an increase in the temperature of the air around the world that is caused by pollution
d)        to use paper, glass, plastic, etc. Again
e)       the fact of the Earth getting warmer, caused by an increase in certain gases in the air
f)        he layer of ozone high above the Earth’s surface
g)       damage caused to water, air, etc. by bad substances or waste
h)       to use too much of energy
i)         to keep someone or something safe from something dangerous or bad
j)        the air, land, and water where people, animals, and plants live

·         Do you recycle? Tell me about it./Why not?
·         What other things can you do to protect the environment? Tell me about it.
·         In your opinion, should cars be banned from the centres of cities? Why?/Why not?
·         Do you think that global warming is an important environmental issue? Why?/Why not?
·         How would you persuade your friend to use the public transport instead of driving a car?
·         What should be done to prevent wasting energy in households? Tell me about it.
·         Do you/Does your family recycle? Tell me something about it./Why not?
·         Would you like to learn more about protecting nature at school? Why?/Why not?
·         When did you last go to the zoo? Tell me about it./If you haven’t been, would you like to? Why/not?
·         Should people stop driving cars in cities and towns? Why?/Why not?
·         Do you think the environmental situation will improve/get better in the future? Why?/Why not?
·         If you had a lot of money, would you give it to an environmental charity? Why/not?
Interakce (4. Část maturity)
·         You are spending your summer holidays in Great Britain studying English. Every year, your school organizes an environmental project called “Help the Earth”. Your class wants to contribute to this project. You have asked your English teacher to help you decide which event your class should organize. You should agree on at least one event. The examiner will play the role of your English teacher. You should start the dialogue.
The following ideas may help you:
Presentation about recycling for students  - Work as volunteers and clean the forest - Workshop – creating posters for school corridors - Organizing a concert of local music groups to raise money
Excursion to a recycling factory – Other
·         In Part Four of the exam, you and the examiner and you are going to talk together. Imagine the following situation:You and your English speaking friend would like to do something to help the environment. First you should agree on an activity and then talk about the details of it. The examiner will play the role of your English speaking friend and will start the dialogue.
The following ideas may help you: What?

Possible activities:

  • cleaning the forest near your hometown
  • cleaning the river in your hometown
  • planting trees in the town park
  • other?
When? Where? How to get there? What to take?